Financing Your Aluminum Fence

When it comes to fencing, nothing compares to the strength and durability of metal. And while cast iron has been used for centuries, newer options offer the same resilience for a fraction of the cost, and without the intense care needs of cast iron. An aluminum fence can be beautiful, add style to your home, keep pets in the yard, and prevent animals from entering it. Of course, you’ll need to find options for financing your aluminum fence.

Banks, Credit Unions, and Other Lenders

The first place most people turn when it’s time to finance an aluminum fence is a conventional lender. You might go to your bank or apply with a local credit union. Both are legitimate options, but there’s a good chance your loan will be denied. Here are some of the common reasons that conventional lenders turn down fence loans:

  • The amount is just too small for the lender to make what it deems a “worthwhile” profit.
  • Fencing doesn’t fit with the lender’s preferred types of assets, which are usually homes, automobiles, and the like.
  • You’re a new homeowner and the purchase of the property has affected your credit score and financial standing.

So, what are your options for financing an aluminum fence if conventional lenders are out? Here are some choices.

  1. Consider a home improvement loan. While conventional lenders might balk at the relatively small amount needed for a fence, you can take out a home improvement loan, install the fence, and take care of other upgrades around the property.
  2. Use a credit card to pay for the fence if you have a high-limit card available. Not only will that allow you to get your fence now, but it can yield important benefits if the card issuer offers perks like points or other rewards.
  3. Take out a home equity line of credit. Home equity lines of credit (HELOC) are often used for home repairs and upgrades but can also be used for unrelated purchases. That flexibility means that you can use one to pay for your aluminum fence.
  4. Work with us at American Fence & Railing. As a fence retailer and installer, who is better suited to offer the loan you need? We offer flexible terms, 0% interest for the first 18 months, and fast lending decisions.

Isn’t it time you had the stunning aluminum fence that you’ve been dreaming about? Call us today to get a quote and apply for financing.

American Fence and Railing:

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